As an organization administrator, you can update most of the content included on the homepage.
You can use the image below as a guide to what you'd like to update:
At the top of the the homepage is the homepage Carousel. The images and text used in the carousel are configured from the admin homepage > Settings > Stories. From there, click to add a new story. Fill out the text fields and upload an image. If you'd like, you can add a link to the story (which can be to a page within ControlShift or an external site.) Before saving, make sure that the Featured checkbox is checked. This will add the story to the front of the carousel. The most recently updated story will be displayed first, and older stories will be visible by clicking the navigation arrows. To edit, translate, or remove a story from the homepage, go to the org admin homepage > Settings > Stories and click the story. Then, edit the story, provide translations, or uncheck the Featured checkbox to remove the story. Click to save and the story will be updated or removed.
On the left side of the Carousel is the Homepage Headline. To edit the homepage headline, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Content > Home > Homepage Headline. Update the text as needed, and then click to save.
Below the carousel, on the left side, are the Featured Campaigns. The Featured Campaigns are the campaigns that admins have chosen to highlight on the homepage. To add a new campaign to the homepage, go to the petition's signature page and click Admin. Near the bottom of the Details tab, in the Campaign Status section, is the option to add the campaign to the homepage. Once you click the + button, you'll be brought to the promoted petitions page (also accessible via the org admin homepage > Settings > Promoted Petitions). From there, you can rearrange the list to reflect the order that you'd like to see on the homepage. Note that only three campaigns are shown on the homepage at one time. (It's also possible to add an effort or landing page to the top spot of the featured campaigns section. When an effort or landing page is be promoted, there will be only two featured campaigns.)
On the right side, you'll see the Site Description. This can be used to explain what the site is and the work that your organization is trying to do. To update the Site Description, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Content > Home. Click to save your updates and the new text will be live immediately.
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