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When users sign a campaign, they generally see some sort of pop-up asking them to take additional action. These after-signing rules can be set at the organization level, overridden at the petition level, or determined by URL parameter.
Configuring default post-signing experiences
To view and update your organization's default post-signing experience, go to the admin homepage and click After Signing. This page shows the rules that we follow when determining what supporters should see after they sign a petition. When deciding what to show to a signer, we start at rule number one. If that rule doesn't apply, then we go to rule number two. If rule number two doesn't apply, then we go to rule number three, etc...
As an organization admin, you can add, delete, and move daisy chain rules around. Remember that any changes made to the rules in this area will affect ALL campaigns on your platform.
- To reposition a rule: either click the up and down arrows or click, hold, and drag the gray spotted box.
- To delete a rule: click the x button.
- To add a new rule: click the New Post Action Flow Rule button.
If you're adding a New Post Action Flow Rule, you'll first be asked what to base the new rule on.
Once you've decided what to based the rule on, you'll be asked what should happen when that requirement is met.
When adding links to the post-action flow, you'll have access to signer-related variables, like the petition the user just signed, source codes, etc. After clicking Save, use the arrow buttons or the gray box to move the rule to the correct position.
Overriding default post-signing experiences
If you'd like to override your organization's default post-signing rules for a single petition, you can do so from the petition's admin settings page. To get started, go to the petition's page > Admin > Settings tab > After Signing section. From here, click the checkbox labeled Override default post-signing settings.
Once this section expands, you'll see the after-signing options available to you. Choose your preferred post-signing action. When adding links to the post-action flow, you'll have access to signer-related variables, like the petition the user just signed, source codes, etc. When you're ready, click to save.
If you'd like to specify a different post-action flow for new users (people who have never taken action on your ControlShift site, and for some CRMs, are not present in your CRM), check the Different post-action experience for new members checkbox and choose the post-action flow you'd like to show to new members and click to save.
Post-signing actions by URL parameter
Admins can also designate a post-signing acton by URL parameter. URL parameters are created at the platform level and can be used across any petitions on the site. When a URL parameter is present in the signer's petition URL, that post-signing flow will be used regardless of the petition's or platform's other after-signing rules.
To add URL rules to your platform, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Post Action Flow > Configure after_action parameter values > Add new value.
The parameter value is the term that will be used in the URL sent to signers. The post action behavior is what you'd like the signer to see after they submit their signature. When adding links to the post-action flow, you'll have access to signer-related variables, like the petition the user just signed, source codes, etc.
When you're ready, click to save. That will create the new post-action URL parameter. You can add the after-action URL parameter to any petition using ?after_action=foo
where foo is the parameter value you've chosen. For example: https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/petitions/repair-the-yellow-brick-road-1?after_action=donate. The after_action
parameter can also be combined with other URL parameters (e.g. https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/petitions/save-the-whales-8?partner=whales-alliance&after_action=donate&utm_source=homepage&source=homepage).
Post-Signing Options
When configuring post-signing actions, the options available will be the same for all petitions (depending on their status). This is what the available options mean:
Nothing: No special actions will occur after signing. Signers will not see any popups or be redirected to any other pages.
Share: After signing, users will see a popup prompting them to share the petition on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and/or via email. (Channels will vary depending on your site's settings.)
Share, then Welcome: After signing, users will be prompted to share the petition on social media, then they'll be shown a welcome message. Learn more.
Share, then IFRAME: After signing, users will be shown the social share modal, then be shown an iframe. This post action flow rule may be useful for collecting donations. Learn more.
Share, then Promoted Petition: Signers will be prompted to share the petition on social media and then they'll be shown a popup that promotes another petition on the platform. Learn more.
Share, Welcome, Promoted Petition: Signers will be prompted to share the petition on social media, then they'll be shown the welcome modal. After closing the welcome modal, they'll be shown the promoted petition popup.
Redirect: Signers will be redirected to the entered URL after signing the campaign. They will not see the social share popup, but will be sent to the page immediately after signing.
Share, then Redirect: After signing, users will be prompted to share the petition on social media, then they'll be redirected to the chosen URL. (Note: This option may be useful if you want members to share the petition on social media and then direct them to your existing donation page.)
Effort, then Share: After signing, users will be prompted to take action on an effort. If they choose not to take part in the effort, they'll be prompted to share the campaign on social media. Learn more.
Share, then Event: Signers will be prompted to share the campaign on social media, then they'll be invited to an associated event. Learn more.
- Share, then Local Group: Signers will be asked to share the petition on social media and then invited to the local group sponsoring the petition.
Once you've chosen the post-signature actions that you'd like to use on the petition, click Save and the settings will be updated.
Effort, then Share
When you choose the Effort, then Share post action flow, you'll be able to configure the popup that's shown to signers. First, use the Effort to promote dropdown to choose the appropriate effort. Next, decide if you want users to search for a campaign in the effort or create a new decision maker.
If you choose the search for a campaign in the effort option, you'll be asking signers to search for existing local campaigns within an effort. We'll provide default modal text that you can override.
- Effort modal title is used at the top of the promotion popup.
- Effort modal text is the main text in the popup.
- Search placeholder is included in the search box and informs users what they should enter into the search.
- Effort modal button text is the text used for the search button.
If you choose the create a new decision maker option, you'll be asking signers to create their own local petition within the effort. We'll provide default modal text that you can override.
- Effort modal title is used at the top of the promotion popup.
- Effort modal text is the main text in the popup.
- Effort modal button text is the text used for the start a campaign button.
This video will show you the different post-signature actions:
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