ControlShift's privacy settings tab allows organizations to decide how user information is shown and shared on the platform.
To update your organization's privacy settings, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Privacy. On this page, there are four sections: Name Privacy, Contact Info, Personal Information Export, and Staff and Team Permissions.
Name Privacy
The Name Privacy section deals with how user's names are displayed on the platform, both to the public and to other users.
The Organizer Display to Public setting will change how petition creator, event host, and group organizer names are displayed to members of the public (including petition signers, event attendees, and other group members).
Please note: the organizer's name will be displayed according to the "Action Taker Display to Public" setting when this user signs campaigns, posts in forums, or RSVPs to events. Please also note: when an organizer sends a blast email, the suggested templates may automatically include the user's first name. Additionally, on petition creator blast emails, the start a campaign footer ask will include the petition creator's first name.
The Action Taker Display to Public setting controls how petition signers, event attendees, and group member names are displayed on public and semi-public (e.g. the group forum) pages.
Please note: Choosing the No Display option will remove all forum functionality from the platform.
The Action Taker Display to Organiser setting controls how petition signers and event attendees will be displayed to the petition creator(s) and event host(s) in the petition delivery documents and the event attendee list. For groups, this setting will change how unmoderated group organizer requests are displayed to the group's existing (already approved) organizers.
Please note: if an action taker contacts an event host, group organizer, or petition creator directly through the contact message popup modal, their full name (if they enter it) will be sent to the organizer.
The Anonymised Action Taker Display to Public setting controls how anonymized petition signers will appear in delivery documents.
Contact Info
This section determines how a user's contact information – their email address and phone number – are shared with the hosts of events they've RSVPed to and petitions they've signed.
If you choose to share a user's phone number, that information will be visible to event hosts in the attendee list and campaign admins in the CSV export of signatures.
If you choose to share a user's email address, that information will be visible to event hosts in the attendee list. Email addresses are not included in the default petition delivery documents.
Please note: Hiding phone numbers and/or email addresses in this section *will not* remove them from the partnership download. Please also note: if an action taker contacts an event host, group organizer, or petition creator directly through the contact message popup modal, their email address will be visible to the organizer. Additionally, regardless of these settings, approved group organizers will be able to see the contact information for users who have applied (but have not yet been approved) to become co-organizers of their group.
The Members cannot contact campaigners setting affects the "Contact Messages" feature that allows members of the public to send a message to petition creators and event hosts by clicking their name on the petition or event page.
When this setting is chosen, no petition creators or event hosts will be contactable via the contact messages feature. Additionally, if this setting is chosen, the replies by email functionality, which allows signers and attendees to reply to petition and event emails and have them automatically routed to the petition creator and event host, will also be disabled.
Personal Information Entry & Export
The settings here determine whether petition creators can access action takers' personal information, including whether they see the option to collect support offline and the buttons to export a PDF and/or CSV of petition signers.
By default, the petition delivery PDF includes signers' names, post codes, and responses to any custom fields.
By default, the petition delivery CSV includes signers' names, phone numbers, post codes, responses to any custom fields, and reasons for signing.
If you do not want petition creators to see the buttons to export this information, you can update the checkboxes here.
In this section, organizations can also hide access to the offline actions pages – which allow petition creations and hosts to collect signatures and event attendees on paper.
Staff and Team Permissions
This section links to our Teams page. Teams allow organizations to give users granulated permissions, to easily control what a user can see and do.
Data Processing Consent
This section allows organizations to set up GDPR Data Processing Consent for organizations and/or supporters located in the EU and UK. Learn more in our GDPR section.
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