ControlShift's events features allow your organization's supporters to host and attend events in their communities. Newly-created events are immediately live, and event hosts can start sharing their event as soon as it is created. This allows your organization's supporters to respond quickly to action opportunities. However, these unreviewed events are only visible to people with the full URL for the event – unreviewed events are not searchable or displayed in public listing pages. Admins are asked to review and moderate newly-created events to determine their ongoing visibility.
Admins who are interested in being notified about newly created events in need of moderation can configure notifications from their My Account page.
Moderating New Events
To get started moderating new events, go to the admin homepage > Moderation (under Tasks). If needed, you can add a Type filter to only see events in need of moderation.
From the list of open moderation tasks, click Moderate to open the moderation modal.
At the top of the modal is a dropdown of moderation statuses that can be given to the new event.
Immediately below the header is the Reviewer and Mentor bar. The reviewer is the person assigned to moderation. Your organization and fellow admins can decide whether all moderation tasks should be claimed before being reviewed. Often, admins will only claim moderation tasks that require more time than usual. For example, if you're calling the host to discuss their event, you may want to claim the task so that other admins know that they shouldn't review the request in the meantime.
The mentor is in charge of making the event a success. They may have a more one-on-one relationship with the event hosts – guiding them through the hosting process.
The event's information is displayed below the claim bar:
- Title: this is the title of the event. If needed, you can click Edit to update the user-entered text.
- Host: this section shows the user's contact information including their name, email address, and phone number. If needed, you can click the user's name to visit their member profile. The member profile has more information about the user including other actions that they've taken on the site (for example, events they've RSVPed to, groups they're a member of, and petitions they've signed).
- Labels: labels are assigned by admins, but can be made publicly visible to use as a filter on event lookup pages.
- Region: if your organization has regions enabled, this section will show the region that the event was automatically associated with based on its location or its inclusion in a region-associated calendar. If needed, this region can be updated by clicking Edit.
- Event Type: event types may be chosen by the event host (for calendars) or assigned by admins. Event types are publicly visible as a filter on event lookup pages and may affect how the event is synced to your CRM.
- Partner: if the event is associated with a partnership, then that information will be shown here.
- Calendar: if the event is associated with a calendar, then that information will be shown here.
- Description: this is the description for the event. If needed, you can click Edit to update the user-entered text.
- Image: images are added by hosts. If needed, you can update the image from this section.
- Date & Time: this is the event's date, time, and time zone. If the event has an end time, it will also be displayed here. If needed, you can click Edit to update the date and time. Please note: updates to the event date or time will be sent to existing attendees.
- Location: this is the event's location. If needed, you can click Edit to update the location, including providing additional location details (e.g. "Meet in the second floor conference room" or "Please ring the bell for suite 5A".) Please note: updates to the event's location will be sent to existing attendees.
- Web Conference URL: If the event has a web conference URL, it will be shown here.
- Maximum Attendee Count: If the event has an attendee limit, it will be shown here.
Once you've finished reviewing the event, you can choose the appropriate moderation status:
- Unreviewed: By default, all events in the moderation queue will be unreviewed. Unreviewed events are visible if the user has the full URL for the event. These events are not included in search results or on public listing pages (including the calendar hub page).
- Good: Good events are fully visible. These events are included on public listing pages (including the calendar hub page) and in search results.
- Approved: Approved events are only visible if the user has the full URL for the event. These events are not included in search results or on public listing pages (including the calendar hub page). The Approved status and Unreviewed Status are quite similar, except that the Unreviewed status is granted automatically and the Approved status is set by admins.
- Inappropriate: Inappropriate events are not visible to anyone other than the event creator and admins. Even with the full direct link, site visitors are not able to see these events. These events are also hidden from search results and public listing pages.
When you choose the inappropriate moderation status, you'll be asked to explain why the event is inappropriate. This reason will then be sent to the event creator in an email. They'll then have the option of editing their event to bring it into community guidelines. If you'd prefer, you can also skip sending the notification email by checking the box above the Moderate button.
If you need to update the moderation status of an event after its initial moderation, you can do so by going to the event's RSVP page and changing its status in the admin toolbar.
Please note: Group events do not need to be moderated. Because group events are only created by group organizers – trusted supporters who have been previously approved to have advanced permissions – these events are automatically set to Good.
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