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We believe in people power. While the efforts tools allow admins to pre-create petitions in the effort, we encourage admins to recruit local campaign leaders through the toolset. There are two ways a member can become a campaign leader: they can volunteer to lead a campaign through our built-in recruitment series or they can be added to a campaign by organization admins.
It's up to you how you want to recruit campaign leaders. Generally, we'd suggest starting with your most committed supporters and then opening the effort up to everyone. Here's a potential strategy:
- If you have specific members that you want to run specific campaigns, you can start by giving them admin privileges on their campaigns. The workflow for org admins designating a campaign leader is below.
- Using your normal email tool, send an email to your most committed supporters telling them about the effort you've created, explaining why it's important, and asking them to lead a campaign in their area. Include a link to the effort's landing page, which will allow them to begin the platform's recruitment series.
- Later, send an email to your full list. Also include a link to the effort's landing page, which will allow your supporters to begin the platform's recruitment series.
- If you need to remove a campaign leader, you can do that at any time.
Designating Campaign Leaders
If, as an admin, you have a member in mind to lead a local campaign, you can designate him/her as the campaign leader. Designating a campaign leader will prevent other members from volunteering to be the leader of the campaign.
To get started, you must create the petition – it cannot be left as a target. Once the petition has been created, go to the petition's admin page (signature page > Admin).
On this page, click the Add User button. From here, enter the email address of the user. For this workflow, the member must already have an account on the platform site.
If the user does not already have an account, you can invite them to be a campaign admin by clicking the Manage Additional Campaign Admins link on the petition's admin page (or use the Campaign Admins link in the petition's creator tools – both go to the same page.) From this additional campaign admins page, you can enter the member's email address to invite them to the platform. Once they create their account (using that email address), they'll have access to the campaign leader tools and they'll be listed as the campaign leader on the petition's signature page.
Allowing Members to Volunteer
Most effort petition leaders will go through the platform's volunteer/recruitment workflow before receiving admin privileges. This volunteer/recruitment workflow is controlled by the effort's settings. To allow members to lead existing campaign, or create their own, you'll need to toggle the appropriate settings in the effort's Leadership settings: https://controlshiftlabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006516348#settings.
For the member experience of the recruitment workflow, please see: https://controlshiftlabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006724968.
Removing Campaign Leaders
If, at any point during the campaign, you need to remove a campaign leader, you can do so from the effort's Decision Makers & Petitions tab (admin homepage > Efforts > name of the effort > Decision Makers & Petitions > Decision Makers tab).
From the Decision Makers tab, click the With Petitions view. From here, click the name of the leader you want to remove. On this page, you'll see information about the leader and how far they've gotten in the recruitment steps. By clicking the Remove as Leader button, you can remove the current leader and return the petition to recruitment.
If you want to give another user access to the campaign, but don't want to remove the current leader, you can add them as an additional campaign admin from the campaign's petition creator tools.
Next we'll look at effort petition moderation.
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