If your organization is interested in using the calendars feature and already has a list of events you're planning to host, you can use the event upload function to streamline the event creation process.
First you'll need to create your calendar. More information about calendar creation is available
Please note: CSV event uploads will not work with constituency bound calendars. If your calendar requires a host address, that information must be included in your CSV.
Once you've created your new calendar, you'll be brought to the calendar's admin page. Your newly created calendar's slug (the unique name of your calendar) will be displayed in the address bar. You'll need this slug to upload events to the calendar.
Once you've copied the calendar's slug, go to the admin homepage > Events > Import CSV > New Upload. From here, you can click the Download CSV Template to export a sample event CSV with the appropriate column headers.
Enter your events' titles and their descriptions. The events' start date/time is required and the end date/time is optional. The date/time format should YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM (or PM or 24 hour time). In the location column, enter the event's location if there is one. Make sure that the location is in a format that will be recognized by Google maps. If the event does not have a location, be sure to enter a time zone for the event. (The time zone column uses the tz database format: e.g. America/New_York, Asia/Tokyo, Europe/Dublin, Africa/Abidjan etc. See the full list to time zones.)
Additional optional columns are displayed on the upload page, with explanations for the type of data we expect. To associate the events with your calendar, you'll need to enter your calendar's slug into the calendar_slug
column. *
When you've finished entering event information, return to the CSV uploads page, choose your calendar's events file, and click to upload. Once the upload is completed, it will be included on the events upload page.
By clicking "View" you can see more information about the uploaded events, including any errors.
* As a reminder, you can quickly update a column by adding new text to one cell, and then dragging the cell to the bottom of the column. Like this:
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