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For an introduction to decision makers please see the help document in this section.
Before you can begin using the decision maker tools, you need to add a decision maker to the petition.
A decision maker is different from our traditional 'who' field in a few ways. First, it's more structured than the 'who' field – decision maker information can include the decision maker's location, email, phone number, and job title. Also, in addition to configuring notifications, using the decision maker tool allows the organization to link multiple petitions to a single decision maker – allowing the organization to keep track of all of the campaigns targeting that entity.
Adding a Decision Maker
You can add a decision maker to a petition from the petition moderation queue (for unreviewed or reactivated petitions) or from the petition's admin page. If the petition is included in an effort, see the effort instructions.
During Moderation
From the moderation queue, click to Edit the Decision Maker field. When the field is opened, you'll see a search box. Enter a search term to look for an existing decision maker.
If the appropriate decision maker is included in the list, select their name. Otherwise, click the Add option to create a new decision maker record.
Petition Admin Page
From the petition's admin page, click the Add Decision Maker button included on the Details tab below the signature graph.
After clicking to add a decision maker, a modal will open that allows you to search for an existing decision maker or create a new one. The petition's current "who" field will be pre-filled in the search box. Searching will show you any matching decision makers.
These already-created decision makers can be added to the petition by clicking Select.
If you click to Create A New Decision Maker, we'll ask for some information about the new target. While not all of these fields are required, you'll need to enter the decision maker's email address if you want to send notifications.
After clicking Create Decision Maker, the decision maker will be associated with the petition. (More info on how that changes the petition here.)
Switching decision makers
For petitions in an effort, see the effort instructions.
For petitions that are not included in an effort, go to the petition's admin page. In the Details tab you'll see the petition's current target. To change the decision maker, click Switch Decision Maker.
From here, search for the decision maker that you want to use. You can search by the decision maker's name or location.
Then Select the decision maker you'd like to use. If the decision maker does not exist, click to Create a New Decision Maker.
Petitions In An Effort
Adding and switching the decision maker for petitions in an effort follows the same workflow as standalone petitions. However, before you can add or switch the petition's decision maker, the new decision maker must be included in the effort's decision maker list.
To get started, add the new decision maker to the effort. (By going to the effort's admin page, switching to the Decision Makers & Petitions tab, and clicking to Add decision maker.) When asked if you'd like to create a petition associated with the decision maker, click No.
Then follow the steps above. If the decision maker you'd like to use isn't showing in search results, make sure that you've added the decision maker to the effort's list of available targets. The search box on the petition admin page will only return decision makers already included in the effort.
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