As an org admin, you can add, remove, or edit the links included in the platform's header and footer. The process for customizing these links will differ depending on whether your organization is using Themes or has custom branding:
My organization has custom branding
I'm not sure if my organization is using Themes or custom branding
I'm not sure if my organization is using Themes or custom branding
To check if your organization is using Themes, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Themes. On this page you should either see a Theme tagged Default (which means that your organization is using Themes), a message saying there are no Themes, or a message that says legacy custom styles are in use. If you see the latter two, it means that your organization is using custom branding.
Legacy styles
My organization has a Theme
For organizations using Themes, header and footer links are tied to the Theme. To update the links associated with a Theme, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Themes and choose the appropriate Theme. Then click the Edit button. Toward the bottom of the page, you'll see any currently configured links. You can add a new link by clicking Add a link. To remove a link, click the x button. To edit a link, click the pencil icon.
When you add or edit a link, you'll be asked to enter the URL you'd like to send users to and the text you'd like to be displayed. The text you enter will be associated with your organization's default language. Click Save and the change will take effect immediately.
Once the link has been added, you can add translations by clicking Translate next to the link text.
Choose the language that you want to translate the link into and enter the translation. If a translation does not exist for a user's language, the platform's default language will be used for that link.
My organization has custom branding
To set up custom footer and header links, go to the admin homepage > Settings > Header & Footer. From this page, you can add a new link by clicking Add a Link. To remove a link, click the x button. To edit a link, click the pencil icon.
When you add or edit a link, you'll be asked to enter the URL you'd like to send users to and the text you'd like to be displayed. The text you enter will be associated with your organization's default language. Click Save and the change will take effect immediately.
Once the link has been added, you can add translations by clicking Translate next to the link text.
Choose the language that you want to translate the link into and enter the translation. If a translation does not exist for a user's language, the platform's default language will be used for that link.
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