A petition's Settings page is accessible by going to the petition, clicking admin and choosing the Settings link.
This tutorial will cover each setting, but you can also skip ahead to a specific setting using the following navigation links.
Petition Page
Signature Total
Recent Signers Signature Form
After Signing |
Decision Maker Communications Data Permissions Events Social Media
Ended and Won |
Petition Page
The settings in this section deal with the petition's signature page and how it appears to visitors.
The Redirect Petition to URL box allows you to send people who attempt to view the petition's signature page to another URL. This setting may be useful if a campaign has ended and you want visitors to see a blog post about the campaign, instead of the old petition page.
Note: This is not the same as the after signature redirect option because visitors will not be able to view the signature page or add their name to the petition.
Tip: If you accidentally redirect the page to another site and need to stop the redirect, just add /org/ between your organization's site and "petitions". For example: https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/org/petitions/release-pro-democracy-youth-activists-in-azerbaijan. This will take you directly to the petition's admin page, bypassing the petition's signature page and the redirect.
The Image Description allows you to provide a description of the image that's displayed on the petition page. This caption is shown when a user hovers on the image and is alternate text for screen readers.
The Hide Petition Creator option allows you to hide the petition creator's name from the petition's signature page. The creator will still be able to run and administer their campaign, even if their name is hidden on the petition page.
The Hide Creator Profile Image option allows you to hide the user's profile image.
The Petition Creator Name Override allows you to override the petition creator's name, as it's displayed on the petition's signature page. This may be useful if one account is being used to administer petitions on multiple people's behalf. To override the name, just enter the name you'd like use on the petition's signature page.
Signature Total
The settings in this sub-section deal with the petition's signature count – adding or changing the number of signatures, setting signature goals, and displaying progress.
By default, the progress bar (or signature thermometer) is shown on all petitions with more than five signatures. If you don't want the progress bar to be displayed, uncheck the Show progress bar checkbox.
If you'd like to add an arbitrary number of signatures to the petition's signature counter, you can do so by entering the number into the Signatures to add to petition box. Use positive integers to add signatures and negative integers if you need to subtract signatures.
The Custom Goal of Petition Signatures option allows org admins to set a specific signature goal for the petition. By default, the signature goal displayed near the petition's progress bar is automatically generated and automatically increases as previous goals are met. When a petition is first created we give it a goal of 100 signatures. Once the petition reaches 100 signatures, we increase the goal to 200 signatures. At 200 signatures, the goal is updated to 300 signatures, etc. If you have a set signature target in mind you can enter it into this box and the goal will be set to that number.
Note: If the petition reaches your custom signature goal, we'll return to the automatic goal setting. For example, if you set the custom signature goal to 250 signatures, once the petition reaches 250 signatures, we'll automatically update the goal to 300 signatures.
Checking the Show message about unverified offline signatures checkbox will add an asterisk to the signature count denoting that some of the petition's signatures are unverified.
Recent Signers
By default, a petition's recent signers are displayed below the signature progress bar. Depending on the campaign and any related privacy concerns, org admins may wish to hide the list of recent signers. To hide the list of signer names, check the Hide Recent Signers box.
Please note: hiding recent signers WILL NOT prevent the signer's name ( from being displayed in the reasons for signing section (if they leave a reason for signing). This will also NOT hide a signer's name from notifications sent using the decision maker tools. In case of serious retribution concerns, please carefully consider your campaign.
Signature Form
The settings in this section deal with the petition's signature form.
If you want to prevent visitors from signing a petition, you can move the toggle to hide signature form. Instead of seeing the petition signature form, visitors will be shown a message that says the petition has been closed.
By default signers are prompted to leave a reason for signing their campaign. If you don't want to collect comments from signers, you can move the toggle to Disable comments. This will hide existing reasons for signing and prevent future signers from leaving a reason.
Custom fields allow you to ask signers for information that is specific to a single petition. For example, if you're running a campaign targeting a local employer, you could add a check box asking the signer if they're an employee of the company. Alternatively, if you're running a campaign targeting a school district, you could include a text field that asks which school within the district the signer is associated with or their role within the school district (parent, teacher, etc.). Learn more about custom fields.
Petition Image "5007051-LGPT" by USDA under CC by 2.0
After Signing
The settings in this section determine what happens when someone signs a campaign.
The email that's sent when someone signs a petition is made up of two messages – the 'thank you for signing' email and the 'forward to friends' email. If you'd like to override the default template for the first portion of this email – the 'thank you for signing' message – check the Override default thank you for signing email content box and enter the text you'd like to use.
Post-Signing Options
Org admins can also set the post-signing experience for specific petitions. To see the available options, check the Override default post-signing settings box.
For most of our organizations, the default post-signing experience is to display the social share popup. However, this experience can be overridden at the petition level. Learn more about the various post-signing options.
Decision Maker Communication
These settings are used to send email to the petition's decision maker. The decision maker tools are complex, so please see the associated section of our help center to learn more.
Data Permissions
These settings determine what data petition admins have access to.
For most of our organizations, petition creators are able to download both PDFs of their petition and CSVs of signers. If you don't want the creator of a specific petition to be able to download the PDF or CSV delivery documents, uncheck the Campaign creator/admins can download signatures box.
Tip: If you'd like to prevent petition creators from downloading the delivery PDF and/or CSV for all petitions, you can configure that option by going to the org admin homepage > Settings > Privacy.
These settings control campaign-related events.
The Allow campaigner to create associated events setting allows you to force the events toolset on or off. By default, the events toolset is set to automatic, which means that it will automatically become available when the petition reaches 100 signatures and is moderated to good or above. Learn more about petition events.
Social Media
These settings determine what content is visible when the petition is shared on social media. We pull share information from the petition automatically, therefore these fields are optional.
The Social Share Image will be used when the petition is shared on social media. If no image is uploaded here, we'll use the image shown on the petition's signature page. If the petition doesn't have an associated image, we'll use the organization's default petition social share image.
The Facebook Share Title will be the first line in the Facebook share card. If it is not set, we'll use the petition's title.
The Facebook Share Description is shown between the Facebook share title and the site's URL. If it is not set, we'll use the petition's why text.
The Twitter Share Message is a pre-filled message that your supporters can use when tweeting a link to the petition. This message will always be editable by users and will appear above the Twitter card. If this is not set, we'll use your global default Twitter share message.
When updating this message, you should not include a link to the petition. We'll automatically append the link to all tweets.
The Twitter Share Title is the first line in the Twitter share card and will appear below the share image. If it is not set, we'll use the petition's title.
The Twitter Share Description is shown between the Twitter share title and the site's URL. If it is not set, we'll use the petition's why text.
Ended And Won
These settings are used when a campaign is ended – whether it's won or lost.
If the petition has achieved its goal, you can mark the petition as a success. When you check the Mark Petition as Successful box, a text box will appear allowing you to add a petition success story. This success story will be added to the top of the petition's signature page. Additionally, a timeline update will be added to the petition's signature page stating the number of signatures the petition had when it was marked as a success. Finally, the petition will be given a success banner above the signature form. If a user clicks on the banner, they'll see a list of all of the successful petitions on the site.
If the petition is part of an Effort or Landing Page, it can be ranked by its signature count and included in a leaderboard. The leaderboard embed code is accessible from the Effort or Landing Page's Ranked page. If you don't want to include a petition in leaderboard, click to Suppress petition from effort leaderboard.
In addition to marking a petition as successful, you can also mark a petition as ended. When clicked, you'll be able to choose whether the petition was a success or not and enter private and public reasons for why the petition is being ended.
The private reason for ending the petition can be used to inform other admins about why you're ending the campaign. The public reason for ending, also known as the ended story, is displayed at the top of the petition's signature page. You can use this space to provide site visitors with information about the campaign's status, reasons for winning or ending the campaign, and next steps for the issue.
Note: marking a petition as ended with the "We won" reason, will only display the ended story. To trigger the success banner and timeline update, you must mark the petition as successful.
[If you're following the New CSL Admin tutorial, we've finished with individual petitions. Next we'll look at Partnerships]
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