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Like petitions, events have a set of tools available to org admins, which are available by clicking the Admin button on the event page.
Event Image by Tea Creative │ Soo Chung on Unsplash
We'll look event moderation first, before going to the admin page.
Event Moderation
Like petitions, events' moderation statuses determine their visibility. When events are created, admins will be asked to moderate them. To see events in need of moderation go to the admin homepage > Moderation.
Events moderated to Good will be fully publicly visible, searchable, and included on public lookup pages. Events moderated to Approved will be visible only with a direct link to the event page. Inappropriate events will only be visible to admins and the event host.
Learn more about event moderation.
Event Admin Details Page
To access the event's admin page, go to the event's RSVP page and click Admin. From this admin page, you can see information about the event's host, attendee information, settings, etc.
On the first tab, the Details tab, you'll see the host information. To change the event's host to another user, click the Switch User button. The new host must already have an account on the platform. If you don't want to replace the event's host, but want to invite additional users to be hosts, click the Manage Additional Co-hosts link. This will bring you to the event host's settings page where you'll be able to invite additional co-hosts.
The Campaign Mentor is the staff member who is in charge of coordinating with the event host and making the event a success.
If needed, admins can add Labels to the event. Labels are only visible to other admins.
If the event has been automatically assigned to a Region, that information will be shown in this section. Admins with the appropriate permissions are able to change the event's region when needed.
If you'd like to assign a special Theme to the event, which allows for custom fonts and colors, you can assign the theme here.
The Featured toggle allows admins to pin the event to the top of public lookup pages and search results. (The event will only be featured in search results if it would have appeared elsewhere in the searched list.)
The attendees graph shows the number of RSVPs and when they were submitted.
The Associations section shows the calendar, local group, and/or partnership that the event is associated with. If needed, admins can add or remove an event from a calendar, local group, and/or partnership from this section. (It's also possible to add an event to a local group from the local group's admin page.)
The Notes section allows admins to add admin-only notes to the event. This can be used to log contact with the event's host or to share other details about the event with admins.
Next is the Tech Bits section. Click Expand to view information about when this event was created, updated, moderated etc.
In the Social Sharing section, you can Disable or re-Enable Sharing for the event.
If you need to make a copy of the event, click to Clone the event. Cloning the event will copy its title, description, location, and other information, but you will be able to make any updates before saving the new copy of the event.
The last section on this page allows you to Hide or Delete the event. Clicking to Hide an event will make it invisible to site visitors (except org admins and the event hosts). Attendees will not be notified that the event has been hidden. When you want the event to be visible again, click the Unhide button. You can also Delete an event. This will delete the event and will also delete all attendee information. Deleting an event is final and it CANNOT be undone.
Event Settings Tab
The Settings tab allows admins to override the automatic emails, update the attendee form, toggle the discussion forum, and override the post-RSVP daisy chains.
The Event Details section of the Settings page allows admins to override certain details about how the event is displayed to the public:
- Overriding the host name will change the public display of the host name on the event RSVP page. The overridden name will also be used as the 'from name' on the automatic emails sent to event attendees.
- By default, site visitors can contact hosts (by clicking the Hosted by section of the event page) if they have questions about the event. If the event host does not want to be contacted, uncheck the Campaigner contactable checkbox.
- The Redirect to field allows you to automatically send people interested in an event to another page without ever seeing the event RSVP page. This may be useful if you're hosting a virtual event and need people to sign up with another tool or if you're hosting a ticketed event on another platform, but you still want the event to appear on your main event listing pages.
Once you set up the redirect page, no one – not even admins – will be able to see the event's RSVP page. If you need to stop or change the redirect you can go to the event's admin page directly by adding /org/ between your organization's site and the "events" portion of the event's URL. For example: https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/org/events/rally-in-emerald-city-3, which will take you directly to the event's admin page. If you need to update the event's date, time, address, or moderation status. Just add /edit to the end of the event's URL. For example: https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/events/rally-in-emerald-city-3/edit.
Shifts allow event hosts and admins to decide when attendees should show up to an event. This can be useful for things like: staffing a signature collection table, set up or clean up of an in-person event, or asking supporters to commit to a call time for an all day phone bank.
Events can start before and end after the main event's time and can extend over multiple days. Once added, attendees will need to choose a shift when RSVPing.
Adding custom fields
Admins can include custom fields on the event RSVP form. This allows organizations to collect additional information which may only be useful for specific events. For example, if the event includes a meal, you may wish to collect information about dietary restrictions from guests.
Learn more about event custom fields.
Please note: responses to these custom fields will be visible to event hosts.
Overriding default emails
By default, we'll notify attendees when the event's date, time, or location are edited. If you do not want us to send that notification email, you can uncheck the Send notification email to attendees if event is updated checkbox in this section.
There are three default emails that may be automatically sent to event attendees. While the text of these emails can be set at the global level, admins can also override this text at the individual event level. The available options are:
- Override thank attendee email content: This email is sent when a user RSVPs Yes to an event.†
- Override approaching event for attendees email content: This email is sent to attendees 24 hours before the event.†
- Override waitlisted attendee upgraded to attending email content: This email is sent when a user who has been waitlisted is promoted to attendee status (either because the attendee limit is raised or because previously Yes-attendees change their RSVP to No).†
Click the corresponding checkbox, and then enter your new text. After clicking to save, we'll use the new template when that email is sent.
† Please note: these messages should be written in HTML. If they are not written in HTML, the text will not be formatted. For the variables that are normally included in the various emails, please see the matching email template in Settings > Content > Events.
When deciding which emails to send to attendees (or hosts), we first check the individual event to see if the messages have been overridden there. If the event is included in a calendar, we then check the calendar's settings to see if overrides are included there. If overrides are not present in either location, we'll use the default text included in Settings > Content > Events.
Overriding the post-RSVP actions
Also in the Settings tab, admins can override the default post-RSVP daisy chains. To change what happens when someone RSVPs, click the Expand button and then check the Override default post-action settings box. You can also set a Different post-action experience for new members.
Social Media
In the Social Media section, admins can override the default social sharing settings for this event. That can include customizing the images used in shares, the title/description which is normally taken from the event itself, and the default share message.
Discussion forum
In the Discussion Forum section admins can choose to turn the discussion on or off. The default behavior for the forum (whether it's enabled or disabled by default) is part of the organization's settings (admin homepage > Settings > Options > Events). However, this default setting can be overridden at the event level from this section.
Event Attendees Tab
The final tab, the Attendees tab, includes information about an event's attendees.
In addition to the list of attendees that's displayed on this page, clicking the Export Attendees button will generate a CSV of event attendees. The statistics information will include information about the sources associated with event attendees.
If you need to update an attendee's status, you can go to the event host's attendee page and change their status or click the Details button.
Tracking attendee sources
Event sources and petition sources follow the same formula, and source codes added to a calendar page's URL will persist through to the event page. To add a source code to an event or calendar page, append ?source=foo
to the URL. (Where foo is the source that you want to track.) For example, https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/calendars/national-day-of-action-against-fracking?source=foo. When a user goes to the sourced URL and chooses an event within the calendar, the event URL will also have a source code (e.g. https://demo.controlshiftlabs.com/events/frack-is-whack-1?source=foo). Any RSVPs made on that URL will be tagged with the source code. RSVPs with source codes will be aggregated into the Statistics section and the CSV export will include a source column.
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