Petition creators, event hosts, and partner organization administrators are able to contact their supporters using the blast email functionality included in the toolset. However, these emails require admin approval before they're sent to supporters.
When an email is submitted for moderation, admins who have opted to receive notifications about new emails in need of moderation will be notified. You can also check for emails in need of moderation by going to the admin homepage > Moderation (under Tasks). If needed, you can add a Type filter to only see blast emails in need of moderation.
From this list, click Moderate to begin moderating the pending emails. This will open a modal that will allow you to review the email content.
At the top of the modal is a dropdown of moderation statuses that allow you to moderate the email. There is also a Send Test Email link that will send a test version of the email to the email address associated with your account.
Immediately below the header is the Claim bar. The Claim option allows you to claim the moderation task and let other admins know that you're reviewing it. Your organization and fellow admins can decide whether all moderation tasks should be claimed before being reviewed. Often, admins will only claim moderation tasks that require more time than usual. For example, if you're calling the email writer to discuss the email's content or if you're in the midst of copyediting it, you may want to claim the task so that other admins know that they shouldn't review the request in the meantime.
Below the claim bar, the email's details are shown:
- Delivery Schedule: by default, emails are sent immediately after they're approved by admins. However, if you'd like to schedule the email to be sent later, click Edit and choose when you'd like the email to be sent.
- From: this section controls how the email's 'from' section will be shown to recipients. While it's not possible to change the address that the email is sent from (this is for deliverability reasons) it is possible to change the name of the email sender. Overriding this section may be useful if an admin has submitted an email on a member's behalf and wants the email to show as coming from the member. (We do, however, strongly encourage admins to only send emails on someone else's behalf with that person's prior approval.)
- Reply to: by default the email's reply-to 'address' and from address are the same. If replies should go to the email writer or another email, the reply-to address can be updated from here. However, please note that setting a reply-to address will make that email address visible to all email recipients. Please exercise caution before exposing a member's personal email address. If your organization would like all email replies to be sent directly to the email writer, you can configure that behavior in your organization's settings.
- To: this section gives an overview of the email's recipients. If you see a discrepancy between the number of supporters tied to the event/petition/partnership and the number of recipients, this section should provide clarity.
- Subject: this is the user's chosen subject line. If needed, you can click Edit to update this text.
- Body: this is the main text of the email. If needed, you can click Edit to update this text. In the editing view, clicking the <> option will allow you to edit the email in HTML. When you're done, click to Save Changes.
- Event/Petition/Partnership: this section shows the email's associations (i.e. what event, petition, or partnership the email is linked to). Clicking the name of the association will bring you to that event/petition/partnership's public page.
When you've finished reviewing and/or editing the email, you can choose a moderation status. There are three moderation statuses for emails: Approved, Inappropriate, and Suppressed.
- Approved emails will be sent to supporters. The email will be sent immediately after clicking Approved unless you've previously scheduled a later delivery.
- Inappropriate emails will not be sent to supporters. The email writer will be notified (see the image below) that the email has been marked as inappropriate, will be shown the admin-entered reason, and will have the option of submitting a new email that is compliant with community guidelines.
- Suppressed emails will not be sent to supporters and the email writer will not be notified that the email was not sent. This option may be useful if the email is about an event that has already passed.
[For those following the new CSL Organization Admin tutorial, congratulations! You've completed the petition creation and moderation modules. We're going to briefly look at the signer experience next.]
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