Organization administrators can control the disclaimer that appears when a user signs a petition, creates an account, or RSVPs to an event. Disclaimers allow organizations to notify members about how their information will be used. While disclaimers are optional we strongly recommend using disclaimers to ensure that people know how their data will be used.
If your organization wants to add or update disclaimers, you can configure this text by going to the admin homepage, clicking Settings, going to the Options tab, and scrolling to the Disclaimers section.
There are a few disclaimers available:
- The New account disclaimer is shown on the account creation page.
- The Signature disclaimer is shown below the sign button on a petition's signature page.
- The Embedded petition disclaimer is shown when a petition's signature form is embedded on another site.
- The Event RSVP Disclaimer is shown on the event RSVP form.
- The PDF Signature Disclaimer is shown on the offline signatures pdf.
Again, we strongly recommend using disclaimers to ensure that people know how their data will be used. If your organization is operating in the EU and would like to use an explicit GDPR checkbox, please see: https://controlshiftlabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000144456-Data-Processing-Consent.
Email Opt-ins
In conjunction with disclaimers, you can also control which users are added to your mailing list.
By default, users are automatically added to your organization's mailing list. Alternatively, you can allow users to choose whether or not they want to opt into your mailing list. (It is possible to have both a checkbox/radio buttons and a signature disclaimer, if your organization chooses.)
Here are examples:
This opt-in behavior can be configured from the your organization's Settings page (admin homepage > Settings > Email Opt-In Types tab).
More information on setting your organization's email communications policy is here: https://support.controlshiftlabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001523755-Email-Communications-Opt-In.
Also, remember that you can set an additional email opt-in checkbox, with custom disclaimer text, when creating a partnership.
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