Admins can customize the petition creation and campaign management experience by going to the admin homepage > Settings > Content > Petitions.
If you're looking at the list of content on Settings > Content > Petitions, you may want to skip ahead to a specific piece of content. Otherwise, the article will start with petition creation and continue to after-signing. All of the text explained on this page is editable from Settings > Content > Petitions, and the bold and italicized text refers to the name shown on that page's list.
Petition Creation
New Petition Lede: Allows you to include text above the create a petition form. When enabled, this is what the petition creation form will look like (with a video embedded):
Form Help Petition Field: When a user creates a new petition on the platform, we show them help boxes. To change the text in these help boxes, choose the appropriate Form Help field.
Form Help for Petition URL Field: While the Facebook page and external site URL fields are not displayed on the initial petition creation form, they are available from the edit petition screen.
Petition Page
Petition Share by Email body text: This content is used on the petition page. When a user clicks the share by email button on the signature page or in the after-signing daisy chain, we'll use this text. Note: if this petition is included in an effort or partnership, the default share by email content can be overridden to be effort or partnership specific.
Petition Creator Share by Email body text: This content is used when the petition creator uses the "just launched" share by tool.
Signature Form
Title for Petition Signature Form: The signature form title is included on a petition's signature form, above signature fields. This normally says "Sign the petition" but you can override it here.
Postcode Label: By default, the signature form asks for the signer's post code. However, you can change this field to 'zip code' or something else.
Phone Number Label, Phone Number Help: These sections control the phone number field on the signature signing page. The help text appears when a visitor hovers over the question mark next to the signature field.
After-Signing Popups
Title for donation modal, Post-signing donation ask, Thanks for donating: These pieces of content deal with the post-signing donation modal. When enabled, users will be asked to make a donation after signing a petition. The title and post-signing donation ask are included on the first page of the donation pop-up. The thanks for donating message is shown at the end of the modal after the user completes their donation. Note: this will set the default text for all petitions on the platform. As an admin, you can override these pieces of content at the petition level. If you'd like to specify specific text for a single petition, go to the petition's Admin > Settings tab > After Signing > choose Share, then Donate.
Title for welcome modal, Text for welcome modal: These pieces of content deal with the post-signing welcome modal. When enabled, users are shown a popup that usually explains what the site is and the work you're doing. It also normally includes buttons to start a new campaign, view other campaigns, and make a donation.
Text for effort modal with Create a Decision Maker ask, Text for effort modal with Search for Campaign Ask: These pieces of content deal with the default text that's used when a petition's after-signing daisy chain is set to Effort, then Share. This default text will be pre-filled when that option is chosen and can be overridden at the petition level.
Title for promoted petition modal, Text for promoted petition modal: These pieces of content are used when the promoted petition modal is included in the after-signing daisy chain. The Text content is optional.
Start Campaign ask in blast email footers: This text is included in the footer of blast emails sent from petition creators to petition signers.
If someone starts a campaign using the start a campaign link included here, the petition will be tagged with the source code petition_email_footer. Source codes for petitions can be viewed by going to the admin homepage > Petitions > and either clicking the source code chart or adding the source code filter directly.
Default PDF signature disclaimer for partnerships: This text is used when the leader of a petition in a partnership creates a pdf to collect signatures offline. This allows you to ensure that offline signers are also aware of how their information will be used.
Introductory text on messages to decision maker page: When the petition is set up to collect messages to the decision maker, this text will be used at the top of the messages digest page.
Title, Body, and Thanks for Donating message for Fundraising Page: In addition to the fundraising asks included in the after-signing actions (aka daisy chains), each campaign also has its own static donation page. This page is located at the [URL of the petition]/donate. (For example, The content on this page can be overridden from the petition's setting page, but admins can set the default content for all petitions from here.
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