Campaign creators can edit their petitions by clicking Edit Content from the petition's signature page. In addition to the fields included in the new petition creation form, the edit page includes additional fields that allow the campaign creator to share petition delivery details or link to a campaign site.
After editing petition text, petition creators must click Save to update their petition's text. If the petition has not been previously reviewed by admins, then the changes will be reflected in the moderation modal for unreviewed campaigns. If the petition has already been reviewed by admins, the changes will be displayed in the moderation queue's edited petition modal.
For petitions with more than 100 signatures, the petition creator will be asked to provide a reason for changing the text. The reason they provide and their edits to the petition will both be shown in the moderation queue. We ask petition creators to provide a reason for editing their petition to discourage them from changing the text of their petition after people have already signed.
Once the petition creator clicks to Save or Send for Approval, the petition is returned to the moderation queue for admin approval. A notification is also sent to any admins that have opted to receive notifications about edited petitions.
Please note: edits to petition text are made live immediately. This means that supporters who view the petition after the petition is edited, but before the edits are reviewed by admins, will see the edited text. When moderating the edits, you're being asked if the edits should remain in place or if you want to roll back to the previous version.
To moderate an edited petition, go to the admin homepage > Tasks > Moderation. This moderation queue includes all items in need of moderation. If needed, you can apply a Type filter to only see petitions. From here, click the Moderate link next to the petition you want to moderate.
This will open a modal that details how the petition has changed.
At the top of the modal is a dropdown of moderation statuses. From here you can either Approve the edits or Roll Back to the previous version. If you choose to Approve the edits, you'll have the option of also giving the petition a new moderation status. If you choose to Roll Back the changes, the petition will be automatically returned to its previous moderation status.
Immediately below the header is the Claim bar. Clicking to Claim this task will let other admins at your organization know that you're reviewing the petition. Your organization and fellow admins can decide whether all moderation tasks should be claimed before being reviewed. Often, admins will only claim moderation tasks that require more time than usual. For example, if you're calling the petition creator to discuss their campaign, you may want to claim the task so that other admins know that they shouldn't review the request in the meantime.
Next you'll see the specific edits that have been made, including changes to the text fields, category selections, and the petition image.
Additions to text fields are underlined and highlighted in green, while deletions are struckthrough and highlighted in red. In addition to the edits themselves, the petition creator's reason for editing their petition will also be displayed.
In addition to choosing whether to Approve the changes or Roll Back to the previous version, admins can also make additional edits to the edited fields.
To make edits to the fields displayed on this page, click the Edit link. You'll initially be editing from the current (edited) text. If you want to edit the field starting from the old text instead, click the Reset to old content link.
You can also edit the petition more thoroughly, including fields not displayed on this page, by clicking the Preview button and then going to Edit Content.
If you want to prevent the petition creator from editing a field in the future, you can click to Lock the field.
Organization admins also have access to a log of the changes made to a petition, even after it has been re-moderated. From the petition's Admin page, go to the History tab to view the log. In addition to showing edits to the petition, the log also provides information on when and by whom the petition was moderated.
[For those following the New CSL Admins tutorial, we'll look at ended petitions next.]
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