Usually, default petition content is added when initially setting up the Landing Page. However, if you chose not to include default content at the time of creation, or if you need to update the text later on, you can do so from the Landing Page's admin page. To get started go to the admin homepage > Pages > name of the Landing Page > Petition Content. (Note: While this is uncommon with Landing Pages, if you're seeing a banner on your Landing Page admin page that says, "This effort has not yet been launched. This means it is not visible to the public. Click on Petition Content to add some content and launch the effort." It is because you've not yet reviewed/entered the default petition text.)
Once you've navigated to the Petition Content page, you can begin adding default content.
If you do not want to provide any default text, leave all of the fields blank and click Save Effort. The Landing Page will then be ready to launch.
If you choose to provide default content, the text you enter will be pre-filled into the new campaign form when a user goes to create a petition in the Landing Page. A couple of hints to keep in mind:
- If you want petition creators to follow a specific formula for the new petitions, you can include partial text and prompt the creators to add their specific information. For example, if you want them to include a location in the title, you could set the default title text to: "Raise the Minimum Wage: [Your Location]". You can also update the help text for the new petition form to provide additional encouragement.
- By default, petition creators will be able to edit the text you enter. If you want to prevent campaign leaders from editing the default text, click the lock icon next to the corresponding field.
- Within a Landing Page, we allow org admins to include markdown in petitions' what and why fields. However, markdown will ONLY be displayed if the fields are locked at the Landing Page level. This means that when you add markdown to the default content on this page, you must click the lock icon next to the field. When the field is locked, the field cannot be edited. If the field is unlocked, we'll display the markdown symbols, but not translate the text into markdown (e.g. we'll show *bolded text* instead of bolded text).
- From this page, you can also decide if you want to display the signature progress bar on petition pages.
When you've finished adding default petition text, click Save Effort.
Next we'll look at the Landing Page's Petition List.
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