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Once you've created your Landing Page, you can begin sending supporters to the Landing Page's public directory pages: the hub and landing pages. Note: yes, the Landing Page has a landing page. It's unnecessarily confusing, but we like to keep you guessing.
Landing Page Hub Page
The hub page is the Landing Page's main public directory. To see the Landing Page's hub page, go to the Landing Page's admin page and click Hub Page. You can also go to a petition included in the Landing Page and click the link next to the petition creator's information.
On this page you'll see a few pieces of content:
- The Landing Page's title and description are included at the top of the page. If you uploaded an image for the Landing Page it will be included in the right sidebar. Below the image is the Landing Page's progress bar. This is optional and can be turned off in the Landing Page's settings page.
- The Start A Campaign button is displayed below the Landing Page's description text. Clicking the button will open the Landing Page's create a campaign page. Any petitions created from this page will be automatically associated with the Landing Page.
- Next is a search bar. From here, users can enter their location to find their closest campaign.
- The rest of the page includes a list of the campaigns that have already been created within the Landing Page (and have been moderated to good or above).
Please note: if you're not seeing all petitions in the Landing Page on this hub page, it's likely because of moderation. In order to appear on the hub page, petitions MUST be moderated to good or above.
Landing Page's landing page
Like Efforts, Landing Pages also have landing pages. Unlike efforts, the Landing Page's landing page isn't linked to from the Landing Page's admin page. However, if you go to the Landing Page's hub page and append /lookup/new to the URL, it will take you to the landing page. (For these tutorials, if Landing Page is capitalized, it refers to the feature. If landing page is not capitalized, it refers to this public directory page.)
On this page you'll see:
- The title of the Landing Page. Below the title is the optional landing page welcome text. This field accepts HTML.
- A search box (and, if a location search strategy is enabled, a map of campaigns). Entering a search query (or clicking a marker on the map) will take the user to that petition's signature page.
- The How this works text is included in the right sidebar. This section is editable by admins and accepts HTML.
- Also in the right sidebar is the Landing Page's progress bar.
Please note: Unlike with Efforts, which require users to be sent to the Effort's landing page in order to create/lead campaigns, with Landing Pages, users should start at the hub page. By default, users are not able to create new campaigns from the Landing Page's landing page. However, admins can include a link/button to the Landing Page's new campaign page in the landing page welcome text.
Member Experience as a Creator
Users who create campaigns in the Landing Page should begin on the Landing Page's hub page. Here's the workflow for creating a campaign:
- The member begins on the Landing Page's hub page. From here they can search for their location to see if a campaign is already being run in their area or they can click the Start A Campaign button.
- The user is brought to the first page of the recruitment series, which thanks them for agreeing to be a leader. The text included on this page is customizable in the Landing Page's settings page. From here they click Commit As A Leader.
- After clicking to Commit As A Leader, the user will be brought to the Landing Page's new campaign page. This page will include the name of the Landing Page, the Landing Page's description, any customizations to the new petition form, and any admin-entered default text. When they've made any desired edits, they'll click Create Petition.
- The user is then brought to the review screen. From here they can preview the new campaign, add an image, and make any necessary edits. When they're ready, they'll click Next.
- The user will then be shown the training page. On this page, org admins can include requirements for campaign leaders, tips to be successful, means of getting in touch with org staff, etc. The user will then click I'm ready, let's go!
- The user is then brought to their campaign's signature page. The campaign is now live (though not immediately included on the Landing Page's hub page), and can be signed and shared.
Member Experience as a Signer
Users who sign a campaign in a Landing Page should begin on the Landing Page's hub page. Here's the workflow for signing a campaign.
- The member begins on the Landing Page's hub page. From here they can search for their location to filter available campaigns, or they can click a campaign from the list.
- If they search for their local campaign, they'll be shown a list of search results.
- When they click the petition's title, they'll be brought to the campaign's signature page. They can then sign the campaign.
Next we'll look at a Landing Page's settings page.
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