We're testing a new feature that allows petition creators to request help from your organization. This is currently being A/B tested, so your organization's supporters may or may not see this flow depending on which variant of the test they've been randomly assigned to. Currently, this test is only being run on English versions of the petition creation flow.
As a petition creator moves through the petition creation form, they may find that they're unable to write a response to one of the prompts. If a petition creator gets stuck and attempts to move to the next field in the petition creation form without entering any text, they'll see a box that allows them to ask your organization for help.
The help box is a quick way for the prospective petition creator to contact your organization for advice with crafting their petition language. When the help box appears, unknown users are asked to provide their email address, while logged-in users can request help immediately.
To the petition creator:
After entering their email address, the petition creator will receive a confirmation email message, which includes a link to pick up from where they left off. Because we validate each field individually, we're able to save a petition creator's progress so that they won't need to reenter their petition text when they return to the form to launch their campaign (even if they return later or return using a different browser or device).
Organizations can customize this message to petition creators by going to their org admin homepage > Settings > Content > Start Petition > Email to petition starter who requested help.
Like other emails on the platform, this confirmation email will come from your organization's main contact email address. If the petition creator replies to the confirmation email, their reply will be sent to that contact email address.
To the organization:
At the same time we send the confirmation email to the petition creator, we'll also send a "Petition Start Help" notification email to any org admins who have subscribed to the "Help requested while creating a petition" notification. The notification to the org admins will include the petition creator's email address, a link to their member profile, the petition text that they've entered so far, and the link to view their petition start page.
Once you've received a request for help, your organization can get in touch with the petition creator to help guide them through the petition creation process. Maybe they have a quick question that you can answer via email or maybe you can set up a call to discuss the difficulties they're having. Either way, the request for help feature will allow your organization to identify and support prospective campaign creators who might otherwise have given up before launching their campaign. However you decide to proceed, once you've given them guidance, the petition creator can return to their special petition creation URL to complete the campaign creation process and launch their petition.
NB: It is also possible for you to go to their petition start URL and launch their campaign. If you do so, the campaign will be associated with your account, not the initial petition creator's account. If needed, it's possible to switch the petition's main leader after launch.
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