Updates / Bug Fixes
- Infrastructure updates.
- We're continuing to make updates in preparation for the EU's GDPR, which comes into force in May 2018. If your organization processes the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where your organization is located, you may wish to seek legal counsel to determine your liabilities under GDPR.
- When translating organization-specific content (included under CMS > Content), the "Original Text" that we displayed on the translation page was that piece of content's current translation, not the text in your organization's default language. This has been updated.
- When users were sent an invitation to create an account and join an admin team, but created an account without clicking the link in the admin invitation email, they were unable to join the admin team. Now, these users will still be able to join the team once they click the link in the invitation email.
- We're working on updates to many of the admin screens. This is a large project, and we'll release more information in the future.
Nothing new in VisitThem, Take Charge, groups, petitions, or events.
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