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In an effort, the Decision Makers tab includes information about the decision makers that have been added to the effort.
On this page you can:
- Add Decision Makers: clicking this button will allow admins to add an existing decision maker collection.
- Add Decision Maker: clicking this button will allow admins to add a new decision maker to the effort. This can be a new decision maker or a decision maker that has already been added to the platform.
There are different views available in this tab: All, With Petitions, Without Petitions.
- The All view lists all decision makers in the effort.
- The With Petitions tab shows all of the decision makers that have full petitions associated with them. These petitions are live and can accept signatures. From this view, you can also see the leader of the petition, if there is one. Clicking the name of this user allows you to remove the campaign leader.
- The Without Petitions view shows all decision makers that have been added to the effort, but don't have a petition associated with them. From here, you can create a petition for that decision maker.
- Also included in this section is the Export link. Clicking this link will create a CSV of decision makers, including admin- and member-added decision makers.
From this Decision Makers tab there are a few actions that you can take:
- If the decision maker does not have an associated petition, you can quickly create a petition by clicking the "Create Petition" button included in the All or Without Petitions views. The petition will use the effort's default text.
- Some targets may have an Unpublished tag next to the decision maker's name. These decision makers are usually added by members, not admins, and are not included in search results. This means that if a supporter goes to the effort's landing page to search for their closest campaigns, unpublished decision makers will not be displayed even if the petition is moderated to good or above. To publish the decision maker, click the name of the decision maker and click the "Publish" button. The decision maker can also be published from the moderation queue.
- The table of decision makers also includes a trash icon at the end of each row. Clicking this icon will remove the decision maker from the effort.
- If the decision maker does not have a petition attached, we'll remove the decision maker from the effort.
- If the decision maker does have a petition attached, but that petition does not have a leader, we'll remove the decision maker from the effort and delete the associated petition.
- If the decision maker does have a petition attached, and that petition does have a leader, we'll remove the decision maker from the effort and disassociate the petition from the effort. The petition will still exist, but will no longer be associated with the effort.
- If the decision maker is part of a decision maker collection, has a petition attached and the petition does not have a leader, we'll delete the petition and leave the decision maker attached to the effort.
- If the decision maker is part of a decision maker collection, has a petition attached and the petition does have a leader, we'll disassociate the petition from the effort and leave the decision maker attached to the effort. The petition will still exist, but will no longer be associated with the effort.
- If the decision maker is part of a decision maker collection and does not have a petition attached, we won't do anything.
- If the decision maker is part of a decision maker collection and you want to remove the decision maker without removing all decision makers in the collection, you'll need to update the decision maker collection.
- If the decision maker does not have a petition attached, we'll remove the decision maker from the effort.
- Finally, if you need to edit the decision maker, click the name of the decision maker. This will take you to the decision maker's details page.
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