We fell a bit behind in our weekly release notes, so this note covers all work completed from the middle of August until 2 September.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- The alt text for the homepage logo is now the name of your organization. Previously, the image's file name was used for the alt text, but that led to odd file names appearing in google searches.
- We've released our new, fully responsive petition pages. With the new design, your supporters will have a consistent experience across all devices. This redesign was also part of our ongoing work to make the platform fully responsive. More information on the new design can be found here: https://controlshiftlabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/226576168-Responsive-Petition-Pages.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- We've made additional content customizable within Efforts. New additions include: automatic email subject lines, content on the add a decision maker page, and text used when searching for a campaign from the Effort's hub or landing pages. We've also made it possible to hide the signature progress bars for the effort as a whole and for all petitions in the effort.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- Not entering a default start time for events in a calendar caused an error in the event creation form. This issue has been fixed, and supporters should be able to create calendar events again.
- On calendar pages, the 'no event near that location' background image was not displaying. We've returned that image to its rightful place.
Nothing new in groups or TakeCharge.
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