- New translations! The platform can now be used in Japanese, Greek, and Italian.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- Various fixes and updates.
- Updates to Blue State Digital integration.
- Stricter email address validation to avoid passing emails to CRMs that are not accepted by the CRM.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- The first page of the effort recruitment series and the 'I'll be a leader' button can now be updated by org admins.
- Ongoing updates to efforts.
- Fixed social share button display issue on petition pages.
- Fixed missing search box issue.
- Fixed petition image display issue.
- Updates to embeddable petition form that should fix an issue where embeddable form wasn't displaying correctly.
- Use consistent name for effort hub page.
- Fixed bug causing locked landing page fields to display as unlocked in the moderation queue.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- Font size on calendars / events will obey rules set in organization stylesheets.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- Fixed focus outline error for local group events in firefox.
Nothing new in TakeCharge.
Best code commit title from this week: "smoosh two URLs together the right way, not the wrong way"
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