We've rolled changes to ControlShift's social sharing – learn more!
1. Bluesky Sharing
A recent popular request, we've rolled out support for Bluesky sharing.
The Bluesky sharing integration is very similar to our Twitter/X integration and includes a few different pieces:
- Organizations can enable Bluesky from their org admin > Settings > Social Media.
Once you've added Bluesky to the list, you can reorder the social channels using the arrows or by clicking the gray square on the left and dragging the row up or down. The channels listed here and the order on this page will be reflected throughout the platform, including in: the post creation sharing prompt, post signature/RSVP sharing modal and sharing sidebar, the share block on petition and event pages, and the sharing blocks included in emails using{% social_share_buttons %}
or{% blast_email_social_share_buttons %}
- Admins can customize the default Bluesky share message from the org admin homepage > Settings > Content > Social. This is the same behavior we support for X (Twitter) and WhatsApp. The link to the petition or event will be automatically added to the share message.
- Admins can customize the Bluesky share messages for individual petitions and events from the petition or event page > Admin > Settings > Social Media > Bluesky share message. (The Bluesky share message option will only be visible if Bluesky is enabled for your platform.) This is the same behavior we support for X (Twitter) and WhatsApp. The link to the petition or event will be automatically added to the share message.
- Admins can set a custom UTM source tracking parameter for Bluesky from the org homepage > Settings > Social Media. If no custom tracking parameter is set, we'll automatically use "bluesky."
- Org admins and partner admins can add a Bluesky link to the partner's hub page.
- Organizations with a Bluesky profile can add their account name to the Bluesky option on Settings > Social Media. This will add a Bluesky icon to your site's footer that links to your organization's profile.
2. Calendar and Event Hub Sharing
Previously our calendar and all events hub pages always had Facebook and Twitter buttons to prompt visitors to share the calendar or the all events page on social networks.
We've updated the calendar and all events hub pages so that the buttons shown on the hub page match the sharing channels that the organization has enabled.
3. Twitter Updated to X
We've updated Twitter buttons to reflect the X branding. These changes will affect all public-facing uses of X (Twitter). Certain variables and other non-public-facing code is unchanged.
Organization who are using our ControlShift custom analytics tracking events will need to look for Opened X (Twitter) Share for Event
or Opened X (Twitter) Share for Petition
instead of Opened Twitter Share for [Petition/Event]
4. Template Updates
FAQ: My organization is not using X/Twitter anymore. How can we remove it from our platform?
A: Org admins with the appropriate permissions can remove X/Twitter from the platform by going to the admin homepage > Settings > Social Media and clicking the X next to X (Twitter). This will remove the X (Twitter) button the social sharing prompts on the platform. It will also remove the button from emails using the {% social_share_buttons %}
or {% blast_email_social_share_buttons %}
variables. To remove the X (Twitter) icon from the footer, delete your organization's account name from the Social Accounts section of the Settings > Social Media page and click to Save.
While removing the X (Twitter) from the list on the Settings > Social Media page will remove the button from the emails using the social share buttons variables, some of your organization's templates may specifically reference Twitter (and/or Facebook). To see if any templates need updating, the best place to start is by going to the org admin homepage > Settings > Content and enter a search term.
A few of the most common places that organizations reference specific social networks are:
- Welcome email for new campaigns in the Emails category (Go to this template)
- Thank you email for new signers in the Emails category (Go to this template)
- Forward after signing email in the Emails category (Go to this template)
- Member already signed email in the Emails category (Go to this template)
- Share on social media in the Blast email templates category (Go to this template)
- Create Event Thank You Email in the Events category (Go to this template)
- New event approved email in the Emails category (Go to this template)
- New Host Thank You Email in the Events category (Go to this template)
- Thank Attendee RSVP Email in the Events category (Go to this template)
- Share event on social media in the Blast email templates category (Go to this template)
Our default content, which does not name specific social media networks is included below for reference.
Please Note: If your organization is actively running any calendars or efforts, please keep in mind that they may have customized email templates. You can check the effort or calendar's settings to confirm the texts that will be used for emails.
Welcome email for new campaigns in the Emails category
<p> {{ recipient.first_name | sanitize_for_email}}, </p>
Back to the list
Congratulations - you've just started a petition on: {{ petition.title }}
Now let's get it to a 100 signatures. Here’s how:
Step 1: Email your friends about the campaign.
There’s a handy email below that you can forward to your friends or family asking them to join your campaign.
Step 2: Share on social media
The great thing about social media is that people start sharing your campaign! For each person that clicks share an average of 100 more people will see your campaign.
{% social_share_buttons %}
Good luck with the campaign,
The {{ organisation.name }} team
<hr />
Dear Friends,
I just added the petition: {{petition.title}}.
It would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name because:
{{ petition.why }}
<a href="{% petition_url %}">{% petition_url %}</a>
Real change happens when everyday people like you and I come together and stand up for what we believe in. Together we can reach heaps of people and help create change around this important issue.
After you've signed the petition please also take a moment to share it with others. It's super easy – all you need to do is forward this email.
Thank you!
{{ recipient.first_name | sanitize_for_email }}
Thank you email for new signers in the Emails category
Back to the list
{{ signature.first_name | sanitize_for_email }},
Thank you for signing the campaign: {{ signature.petition.title }}.
The more people are behind an issue - the more likely it is that decision makers will pay attention. Each name that is added to a campaign takes it one step closer to succeeding.
Can you help spread the word about the campaign by sharing it with your friends and family?
{% social_share_buttons %}
You can also share the campaign by sharing the email below.
Thanks for all that you do,
The {{ signature.petition.organisation.name }} team.
</p> -
Forward after signing email in the Emails category
Back to the list
Dear Friends,
I just signed the campaign: {{ signature.petition.title }}
It would mean the world to me if you could also add your name to this important issue.
Every name that is added builds momentum around the campaign and makes it more likely for us to get the change we want to see.
Will you join me by taking action on this campaign?
<a href="{% petition_url %}">{% petition_url %}</a>
After you've signed the petition please also take a moment to share it with others. It's super easy – all you need to do is forward this email.
Thank you!
{{ signature.first_name | sanitize_for_email }} -
Member already signed email in the Emails category
Back to the list
{{ signature.first_name | sanitize_for_email }},
A few minutes ago you signed the petition {{ signature.petition.title }} with the email address {{ signature.email }}. Thanks for your support.
You probably have overlooked the fact that you had already taken part in this action with this e-mail address. We can't therefore count your signature again.
Wanted to sign as another person? Then please use a different e-mail address:
<a href="{% petition_url %}">Sign with a different e-mail address</a>
You can also continue supporting the petition by telling your friends:
{% social_share_buttons %}
Thanks for all that you do,<br/>
The {{ signature.petition.organisation.name }} team.
</p> -
Share on social media in the Blast email templates category
Back to the list
Dear Friends,
Thank you for signing {{ petition.title }}! This issue means a lot to me, and I really appreciate your support.
The more people who sign our petition, the better our chances of winning the change we want to see. <b>I'm emailing you to ask you to go one step further and share this petition with your friends and family.</b>
Posting something on social media will only take a second, but will mean that hundreds of people see the petition and can join our movement.
{% blast_email_social_share_buttons %}
<p>When you share the petition, make sure to tell people why you care about this issue too. People are more likely to sign this petition if they understand why it’s important to you, and your reasons are the best way to convince others to join. </p>
<p>Not on social media? You can simply copy and paste the link below to send it by email, SMS, or whatever works best for you.</p>
<p><a href="{% petition_url %}"> {% petition_url %} </a></p>
Real change happens when people like you and I take a stand for what we believe in.
Thank you for standing with me on this issue.
{{ current_user.first_name | sanitize_for_email }}
</p> -
Create Event Thank You Email in the Events category
<p>Thanks for creating your event:</p>
Back to the list
<p>{{ event.title }}<br/>
{% event_details %}
{% if event.unconfirmed_location %}
<p>You've marked this location as to be confirmed. Please be sure to confirm your event's location at least 36 hours before the event. To update the location, go to your <a href="{% edit_event_url %}">event's edit page</a>.<br/>
Attendees will be automatically notified of changes to the event's location.</p>
{% endif %}
<p>The public link where people can sign up to attend is here:<br/>
<a href="{% event_url %}">{% event_url %}</a></p>
<p>You can check who's signed up or make changes to your event from <a href="{% event_url %}">the public event page</a>, by logging in to your account.</p>
{% unless event.sharing_disabled? %}
<p>Finally, to have a successful event you’ll need to invite others.</p>
{% social_share_buttons %}
<p>You can also forward the email below to your friends.</p>
<p>Hi friends-</p>
<p>I just signed up to host the following event. Will you join me?</p>
<p>{{ event.title }}<br/>
{% event_details %}
{{ event.description }}</p>
<p>See more information and sign up to attend here:<br/>
{% event_url %}</p>
<p>Looking forward to seeing you there!<br/>
{{ host.first_name | sanitize_for_email }}</p>
{% endunless %} -
New event approved email in the Emails category
<p> {{ host.first_name | sanitize_for_email }}, </p>
Back to the list
Congratulations - we've approved your event!
{{ event.title }}<br/>
{% event_details %}
{% if event.unconfirmed_location %}
<p>You've marked this location as to be confirmed. Please be sure to confirm your event's location at least 36 hours before the event. To update the location, go to your <a href="{% edit_event_url %}">event's edit page</a>.<br/>
Attendees will be automatically notified of changes to the event's location.</p>
{% endif %}
<p>The public link where people can sign up to attend is here:<br/>
<a href="{% event_url %}">{% event_url %}</a>
<p>You can check who's signed up or make changes to your event from {{ 'the public event page' | link_to_event_just_launched:event }}, by logging in to your account.</p>
{% unless event.sharing_disabled? %}
<p>Finally, to have a successful event you’ll need to invite others.</p>
{% social_share_buttons %}
<p>You can also forward the email below to your friends.</p>
<p>Hi friends-</p>
<p>I just signed up to host the following event. Will you join me?</p>
<p>{{ event.title }}<br/>
{% event_details %}
{{ event.description }}</p>
<p>See more information and sign up to attend here:<br/>
{% event_url %}</p>
<p>Looking forward to seeing you there!<br/>
{{ host.first_name }}</p>
{% endunless %} -
New Host Thank You Email in the Events category
<p>Thanks for agreeing to host this event:</p>
Back to the list
{{ event.title }}<br/>
{{ event.formatted_start_and_end_datetimes }}<br/>
{% unless event.virtual? %}
{{ event.location.query }}<br/>
{% endunless %}
{% unless event.extra_location_info == blank %}{{ event.extra_location_info}}<br/>{% endunless %}
{{ event.description }}
{% if event.unconfirmed_location %}
<p>The event's location has been marked as to be confirmed. Please be sure to confirm your event's location at least 36 hours before the event. To update the location, go to your <a href="{% edit_event_url %}">event's edit page</a>.<br/>
Attendees will be automatically notified of changes to the event's location.</p>
{% endif %}
<p>The public link where people can sign up to attend is here:<br/>
<a href="{% event_url %}">{% event_url %}</a></p>
<p>You can check who's signed up or make changes to your event from <a href="{% event_url %}">the public event page</a>, by logging in to your account.</p>
{% unless event.sharing_disabled? %}
<p>Finally, to have a successful event you’ll need to invite others.</p>
{% social_share_buttons %}
<p>You can also forward the email below to your friends.</p>
<p>Hi friends-</p>
<p>I just signed up to host the following event. Will you join me?</p>
<p>{{ event.title }}<br/>
{{ event.formatted_start_and_end_datetimes }}<br/>
{% unless event.virtual? %}
{{ event.location.query }}<br/>
{% endunless %}
{% unless event.extra_location_info == blank %}{{ event.extra_location_info}}<br/>{% endunless %}
{{ event.description }}</p>
<p>See more information and sign up to attend here:<br/>
{% event_url %}</p>
<p>Looking forward to seeing you there!<br/>
{{ host.first_name | sanitize_for_email }}</p>
{% endunless %}
Thank Attendee RSVP Email in the Events category
Back to the list
Hi {{ attendee.first_name | sanitize_for_email }},
Thanks for saying you’ll come along to {{ event.title }}.
{% unless event.sharing_disabled? %}
Can you help spread the word about the event by sharing it with your friends and family?
{% social_share_buttons %}
{% endunless %}
Here are the details again:
{{ event.description }}
{% event_details %}
{% if event.unconfirmed_location %}
<p>This is an approximate location. Once the host has confirmed the event's location, attendees will receive the address via email.</p>
{% endif %}
{% if event.shifted? %}
{% if is_an_updated_rsvp %}
Here are the shifts you just signed up for:
{% new_attendee_shifts_details %}
Your full list of scheduled shifts is included below.
{% else %}
You are signed up for the following shifts:
{% endif %}
{% attendee_shifts_details %}
<br />
{% endif %}
If any of the important details change, you'll get another email.
In the meantime, if you want to view the event page or change your RSVP, you can do that here:
{% event_url %}
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
{{event.creator_display_name}} -
Share event on social media in the Blast email templates category
Back to the list
Dear Friends,
Thank you for signing up to attend {{ event.title }}!
This issue means a lot to me and I really appreciate your support.
I'm emailing you to ask you to go one step further and share this event with your friends and family. The more people who attend this event, the bigger the impact we'll have.
Posting something on social media will only take a second, but will mean that hundreds of people see the event and can sign up to attend.
<p>When you share the event, make sure to tell people why you decided to attend. People are more likely to join if they understand why it's important to you.
{% blast_email_social_share_buttons %}
<p>Not on social media? You can simply copy and paste the link below to send it by email, SMS, or whatever works best for you.</p>
<a href="{% event_url %}"> {% event_url %} </a>
Real change happens when everyday people like you and I take a stand for what we believe in.
Thank you for standing with me on this issue.
{{ current_user.first_name | sanitize_for_email }}
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