Updates / Bug Fixes
- Admins can now update the metadata that's used when the platform's homepage is shared on social media. More info:
- Admins, if they have the appropriate permissions, can now delete Teams.
- When admins are added to a team, even if they already have an account, they'll receive an invitation email. New admins will be asked to confirm their accounts as soon as they become admins.
- When a user hovers over a "Required" asterisk, the title element is now translatable.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- The 'reasons for signing' section of the petition page was not updating when signatures were deleted from the petition. We've fixed this caching issue.
- The platform now supports virtual events. These events are not tied to a physical location, so they can be used for online events, conference calls, etc. More information:
Updates / Bug Fixes
- Attendee source codes were not being recorded for logged-in users. These sources are now being logged correctly.
- When creating an event in an RTL language, the magnifying glass is no longer covering the location search placeholder.
- Source codes appended to the URL of a calendar hub page will now persist through to the event's RSVP page. More information:
- Admins and event hosts can now invite other users to be cohosts of events. Cohosts will have access to all of the event host tools. More information:
- As a global setting, organizations can now require that users provide phone numbers when RSVPing to events. If you'd like to turn on this setting, please send us a support email.
- We've redesigned the event admin page. If you haven't already, check it out!
Updates / Bug Fixes
- We've fixed an issue with the Teams feature. Users with the Local Group:Export Members permission were not actually able to export group members (unless they also had permission to perform organization-wide exports). Now, Local Group:Export Members will work the way you'd expect it to from the name.
Updates / Bug Fixes
- Organizations can now specify organization-specific opt-in language and privacy policies.
- If you haven't already, check out VisitThem!
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