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Looking for information about effort settings? Go here.
The settings in this section deal with leadership and recruitment.
- Allow members to enter their own decision makers: When this option is toggled to yes, members will be able to create their own decision makers and petitions within the effort. When this option is toggled to no, the only decision makers included in the effort will be the admin-added decision makers.
- Allow members to become leaders of existing leaderless petitions: When this option is toggled to yes, members will be able to become local leaders of admin-created leaderless petitions. When it is toggled to no, members will only be able to sign petitions, not lead them. Leaderless petitions will remain leaderless.
This option is only shown when there are leaderless petitions. - Prompt new leaders to edit the campaign content: When this option is toggled to yes, users who volunteer to lead local campaigns will be prompted to edit the content of campaigns.
Notes: This option is only shown when there are leaderless petitions and the 'allow members to become leaders' option is chosen. Regardless of this setting, users will be able to edit the campaign via the petition creators tools. However, if this option is set to no, they will not be actively encouraged to edit the campaign text during the recruitment steps. Also, regardless of this setting, users will not be able to edit any locked fields. - What will I need to do?: If the effort is configured to allow members to become leaders of petitions and/or add their own targets, then this text will be shown when their search query returns a leaderless campaign and/or if there is no petition for their query. When that happens, the search results will look like the image below.
If the user clicks the What will I need to do? link below the I'll be a leader button, a popup modal will appear with the text that you enter in this text box. The What will I need to do? popup can be used to give potential leaders more information about what is expected of them before they commit to leading the campaign.
- Lead Campaign Button Label: If the effort is configured to allow members to become leaders of petitions and/or add their own targets, then this button will be shown when their search query returns a leaderless campaign and/or if there is no petition for their query. When that happens, the search results will look like the image above. Org admins can use this text box to override the default text of the I'll be a leader button.
The pieces of content in this section are used when the effort allows supporters to become leaders of local campaigns and/or allows supporters to enter their own petition targets. When a user's search query returns a a leaderless campaign and/or if there is no existing campaign for their search query, then they'll have the option of leading and/or creating a campaign. To do either, they'll enter the recruitment series. More information about the supporter experience of efforts is available here: https://controlshiftlabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006724968.
Lead campaign Page: This is the first page in the recruitment series.
- Lead Campaign Heading: This is the first line/paragraph on the lead campaign page.
- Lead Campaign Text 1 & 2: These are the second and third lines/paragraphs on the lead campaign page.
- Commit as a Leader Button: This button is at the bottom of the lead campaign page and confirms that the user wants to lead the campaign
Training content: The content on this page is shown to the user immediately before they're brought to the petition page.
- Training Text: This text comprises the majority of the training page. You can use this text to give the leader more information about their responsibilities as a campaign leader, to give them a way to contact you, to give them access to resources and tips, etc.
- Training Sidebar Text: This text is displayed in the side bar of the training page, above information about their decision maker. You can use this text to give shorter, bullet-point-length information about the campaign.
Decision Maker Form
This section will only be displayed if the effort allows members to enter their own decision makers. When a supporter decides to enter their own decision maker, this will be the second page of the recruitment series (after the Lead Campaign page). The following screenshot will show you how the different pieces of content are displayed on the new decision maker form.
A few notes on the new decision maker form:
- The only field that is required for all efforts is the decision maker name. All other fields, like the location, phone number, and email address are optional.
- The sidebar text is optional. If you don't enter any text into the box, we'll hide the sidebar.
- You may want to pre-collect the user's email address. When this option is turned on, if the user is not already logged into the platform, then the your email field will be the first field in the form. Pre-collecting user's email addresses will allow you to retarget these users if they don't complete the new campaign setup.
- The context form label and help text (number six in the screenshot) is not displayed be default. Users are only asked for context if a decision maker with the same name has already been added to the effort.
Petition Form
The settings in this section can be used to customize the new campaign page. The text overrides that you enter here will be used during the recruitment series and will also be seen when the user tries to edit the campaign using the campaign creator tools.
An effort's new campaign form closely resembles the regular new campaign form, except that the effort's title is displayed at the top of the page and admins have the option of including a block of text below the effort's title.
When running an effort, you may find it useful to update the form field labels and help text to make them more specific to the campaign you're running. For example, if you want to guide petition creators to include personal stories in the why section, you could update the why field's help text to reflect that.
Other notes on this content:
- Setting the editable by petition creator? toggles to No will lock those fields.
- The New petition form banner is displayed at the top of the recruitment series pages. You may need a few tries to get the correct sizing.
- You can also specify an image to use when the new campaign/new decision maker pages are shared on social media.
Email Templates
This section allows you to override some of the emails that are sent to petition creators.
- Petition Launch Kicker Email Subject Line: This email is sent to petition creators when their petition has been left in a draft state for one day. You can override the subject line here, but the body of the email is set in CMS > Content (https://controlshiftlabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203090738-Updating-Default-Email-Text).
- Subject line of email notification to campaign creator when they are contacted by public: This email is sent when a site visitor clicks the campaign creator information on the petition page. Once they've drafted their message it will be sent to the petition creator using the subject line included here.
- Thanks for Creating Petition email and subject line: This email is sent when a user creates a new campaign or agrees to lead a previously leaderless existing campaign.
If you want to delete your custom content and set it back to the default, click the trash icon.
Next we'll look at adding and removing decision makers.
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